Top 6 DIY Science Experiments For Kids To Do At Home!! Easy Children Activities
Top 6 DIY Science Experiments For Kids To Do At Home!! Easy Children Activities! In this video, I show 6 easy & fun experiments ideas to teach your children and toddlers about science using household ingredients-very affordable.These experiment ideas are easy and perfect sensory experiments you can do at home or school with water, milk, soap , oil and baking soda.
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This looks awesome! I just tried some of these experiments! I just subscribed. I hope you get a chance to check on my channel too! We can try out each other's experiments!
I know I am late but if you are reading this in August 2017 or past that then for the first one you can use milk colors and instead of tide use dish soap I used dawn dish soap
What's the name of the first experiment??
The 1st experiment is what I got to do in Year/Grade 5 When I went to look at high schools! <3 The problem is at home I have no colour Dy! D:
U can make slime with that detergent
Just mix a little bit at a time of that with pva glue
This is cool
Can you use lemon juice
cool but how do i get the tablets?and what shop?
does it have to be fuul fat milk
great video
The lemon one is my favorite! Good thinking. Keep up the good work.
very cool!
does it have too be a lemon?
4:44 this was the one on the thumb nail and I thought it was a cookie with coloured foam on it XD
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First… And it is just now I noticed he copied Sarabeautycorner.