The TOP 7 crystal-growing experiments
Magnificent, kid-friendly crystal-growing experiments that even adults will love!
Safe and exciting experiments to do at home:
Some small welding experiments I did for shapes and bells and welding technique. Thought the welders out there might find them amusing. WARNING: The video depicts acts and work that, if done wrong or used improperly, can lead to injury or death. By watching this video, you agree the video’s producer is not responsible for…
DIY Easy Science Experiment | Amazing Science Experiments: Energy Transfer Experiment This Experiment is absolutely Awesome and a great way to learn a little bit of tricks This is a Safe and Fun Science Experiment you can do at Home! Please leave your Comments in the Comments Section. Your Feedback will be appreciated. Thanks for…
Baking soda and vinegar mixed together make a chemical reaction. Carbon dioxide gas is released. Here are a couple fun things you can do with these two substances. Here is a link to those film canisters: As always, if you want to see more of stuff like this, hit that subscribe button: source Related…
What is chemistry? Chemistry is science that studies what everything is made of. For an example ice formation is chemical process. Medicines and paints are all chemistry. Use the promocode “Holzoff25” for -25% off for buying books on To buy Chemistry book in holzbooks store: To buy Chemistry book in amazon:…
Subscribe for more science videos : Help us transcribe this lecture: If you were able to make a substance change colour, or turn from a solid to a liquid, would that be magic? Andrew Szydlo leads us through a world of magical molecules and enchanting elements in this Ri event from Wednesday 23 April…
Demo instructions available here: (note: this demonstration does not require barium chloride, which is toxic — the video demonstration does not include this compound) A C&EN infographic on the demo is available here: A chemistry demonstration commonly known as the “rainbow flame” experiment has resulted in a number of serious injuries in classrooms…
Excuse me we need the exact amount of each liquid for example: 150 mL or something like that
Love this!
the crona sad
padaan pu
My name is ranulf
Can we shape the crystal?
Who was this stuff at home
this is cool
Can we purchase these things from your website?
cool ill go grab some of this stuff from my fridge
Why don´t they teach this in chemics class
Don't drop growing crystals into the pipes, sewers or your pool. Nobody want those things enlarging unnoticed.
I got a question for the Red and Blue crystals that requires some chemicals that I have no idea what they are; Can you sell those crystals at a prophet or are they just decoration? Have a nice day. =)
NICE but can u say wht is the base u took for sugar candy
I wonder if this is where Heisenberg came to learn crystal making techniques.
Is the first one carbon
Are any of these crystals stable enough to be used in jewelry?
the hot ice was soo cool i never imaged hot ice! now i can make hot ice tea for my mom
where do you even find bismuth? if you can tell me you get a new sub cause bismuth is my favorite gem/crystal
Is the ice un-meltable?
Di siram dulu mas baru angkat kuliat kuliati
News: there is no cure for corona yet
I LOVED this video. What fun!!! Can't wait to try.
Where can you get potassium hexacyanoferrate 3?