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Бурлящая лава. Химические опыты для детей || Boiling lava conduct chemical experiments at home
Сегодня Арина проводит химический опыт в домашних условиях. Делает бурлящую лаву. В обычную бутылочку нужно было добавить масло, водичку и краситель, и после того как Арина кинула в бутылку таблетку из набора – началась реакция, и красная лава стала бурлить. На видео этого не видно, но она еще и светится немного. Очень увлекательный опыт для…

Production of Hydrogen Gas, Chemistry Experiments | Pakistan Science Club |
http://www.paksc.org , Simple Method to produce oxygen and hydrogen Concept: Zinc and manganese dioxide can be taken out from the used dry battery. Oxygen and hydrogen are produced by using the acid, the hydrogen peroxide and the two materials of the dry battery. The property of oxygen and hydrogen is examined. How to make oxygen…
EASY HOME EXPERIMENTS How to Make Glow in the Dark Slime 1. Get a bowl to mix your slime ingredients in. 2. Empty your bottle of glow in the dark glue into the bowl. Try to squeeze out as much as you can from the bottle and let it drip out. Since it’s only 5…

10 Amazing Experiments You Can Do At Home || Chemistry is AWESOME.
Science may have been an intimidating subject for us in school, and typically we associate science with geniuses who got straight A’s in school. Whether you have kids or you’re just curious about science experiments, you don’t have to go all the way to a university lab to see science at work. You see, science…
The fun of Chemistry
00:00 Logo 00:11 Fluorescent Vortexes 01:16 Ice cubes on Fire 02:01 The Lollipop Experiment 02:50 Chemical Snow 03:42 Hydrophobic Lycopodium 04:22 Luminol Script The first part of our 2018-2019 collection of Chemistry Experiments. Trained students from grades 10 and 11 of N. Alikarnassos Senior High School perform supervised demonstrations under guidance of their chemist I….

Edible Experiments – Sugar Rush
Join Dr Joanna Buckley as she explores the chemistry behind food with Edible Experiments. In this video, Dr Joanna explains the science behind sugar. To download the worksheets to accompany the Edible Experiments series please visit: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/chemistry/edibleexperiments source Related posts: 5 Awesome Experiments using Liquid – Cool Tricks You Can Do At Home Edible Experiments…