Pouring Molten salt into Water – Explosion!
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What we made – Exploding Salt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lreob7RYhpM
High Speed camera rentals – http://www.aimed-research.com/
Molten Salt Explosion paper #1 http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc282701/
Molten Salt Explosion paper #2 http://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/00/03/83/00060/AA00000383_00060_194.pdf
Related paper on aluminum explosions http://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/AA/00/00/03/83/00059/AA00000383_00059_108.pdf
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Try that but in ur pool
Fear the condiment
This is how our universe is created
how did you clear the glass off your lawn?
Im pretty sure that its because molten salt is REALLY HOT and water doesnt like heat.
this was on outrageous acts of science
Haha you got a cool camera huh and wanted to test it out. Let me guess , your mommy and daddy bought it
Put a flame over the water and see if you get an explosion afterwards. The molten salt may be hot enough and viscous enough it causes the H20 to break down into H and O. If that's the case, you'll see a fireball erupt.
Jewish salt blows.
I would wear shoes after a month after this experament
Michael Bay approves
The speed of water evaporating creates high pressure?
And let's just say he's the real scientist for game theory
this is funny we do this lab expeirment in my school every year
Watch the glass in ur yard
slo mo guys need to do this in SUPER slo mo
salt contains two highly reactive elements (NaCl)
actually just kidding i dont know
genius !!
potassium chloride?
hoiw many fish tanks do you have
Interesting point, though; all the salts you used contained sodium. Only one exploded, and only one contained chlorine. I think that may be something noteworthy.