Physics Experiments That You Can Do at Home : Physics, Chemistry & More Sciences
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Physics experiments that you can do at home often involve very basic elements that anyone has access to, like hot and cold water. Find out about physics experiments that you can do at home with help from an experienced high school educator in this free video clip.
Expert: James Lincoln
Bio: James Lincoln is a UCLA physicist, a high school educator, and appears in many physics and science videos. He has a master’s degree in physics and a master’s degree in education.
Filmmaker: Dustin Kuepper
Series Description: Science knowledge doesn’t just stop being important the moment we leave the classroom. Learn how to further your knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and more, right at home, with help from an experienced high school educator in this free video series.
Uhh.. yeah no I was looking for more boom pop sizzle explosion chemical combustions ahhh! Boring…
you look Mathew perry
so on the second experiment you say to determine the slope. what slope are we trying to find. Velocity?? and what kind of graph would it be position vs time. A lil confused
Ahh ! i just don't like it
So, being a physics teacher means you're a physicist?
Deez nuts
I know a cool experiment
He's not a physicist, he's a physics teacher.
my brain hurts.
just kidding this is my first year learning this at highschool and im just lovin it can u plz tel me how to mesure that height?
what is d title of d first experiment ?
I sooooo freakin' love them!
Thanks a LOT man!
He tries, that's great!
This sucks