Inside the Lab Where Robots Run Their Own Experiments
Recent breakthroughs in automation and active machine learning are taking laboratory science to the next level. What will the laboratories of the future look like?
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This is a laboratory run by robots with virtually no human intervention as part of an industry-wide push toward automation.
The robot scientists can be found executing thousands of experiments, searching for life-saving drugs, and building synthetic organisms.
In this Focal Point, we take a look inside Strateos, a robotic cloud lab that is fundamentally reimagining scientific discovery. We sit down with both Ben Miles, Head of Product at Strateos Cloud Lab, and Robert Murphy, Head of Computational Biology at Carnegie Mellon University, to learn more about what automation could mean for the future of scientific research.
Find out how these labs run by robots can transform how we develop new therapies, and even offer more reliable results, in this Focal Point.
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Read More:
Carnegie Mellon: Masters of Science in Automated Science
“The Computational Biology Department’s Masters of Science in Automated Science: Biological Experimentation (MSAS) program trains practitioners in the design, implementation, and application of automation in scientific research. Students train with world-class faculty, including those from the top-ranked School of Computer Science. Graduates become leaders in the emerging paradigm of Automated Science – the combination of robotic scientific instruments, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence for iteratively building predictive models from experimental data and selecting new experiments to improve them.”
Scientists Can Work From Home When the Lab Is in the Cloud
“Silicon Valley-based startup Strateos says its robotic laboratories allow scientists doing biological research and testing to do so right now. Within a few months, the company believes it will have remote robotic labs available for use by chemists synthesizing new compounds.”
In The Lab Of The Future, Robots Run Experiments While Scientists Sleep
“When you think about automation, you probably think of factories, not biomedical research labs. But advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, internet-of-things technologies and cloud computing will change that. From software that helps scientists plan experiments to robotic labs that execute them flawlessly, these developments are creating labs of the future in which scientists have more time to think while distributed devices run and gather data on experiments.”
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basically, this is the AWS and Azure of biology research
This is very interesting, but what happens to the amazing accidental discoveries when the robot makes no mistakes?
“Now PhD students can be their own PIs” that’s amazing
This can slow down the costs for medical, it is very usefull this aproach, this is the way for masibly and economic, to produce Phizer Vaccine so that all world population can get the vaccine in a lower cost, the only way out of the pandemic is with this kind of production for medical.
You are the best in Seeker it is nice to see you working again with them, you can do your work remotly, living in UK will you do your studies, you can work anyway with Seeker.
Robotic Code for Cognition corrects SOST speed – F=m(5*9*53) search for this in YouTube to watch the PowerPoint it is a perfect code.
And hacking of such kind of facility would lead to disaster.
What did you expect we are too smart to do all the experiments especially the work ourselves!!! Work smarter not harder get machines to do the work or other people until you can buy a machine nothing "person"al just bu$iness… What could possibly go wrong!?
I bet China loves this !
Why are we not using this for covid-19 this would speed up the process of testing and results
Title is misleading, robots don't run their own experiments, humans tell the robots what to do. Title makes it seem like AI is controlling the process.
Retired professor, the future of science lies not in the labor but rather the thinking!!
Press F if you accidentally incorporate a syntax error that fucks everything up.
Think about if this is implemented. The machine will come up with an experimental hypothesis on it's own through AI, implement the experiment using machine learning to streamline the testing, interpret the results and formulate new experimental hypotheses to test. In all of this there is no need for human interference other than maybe as a maytag repairman if something breaks (until we program robots that can do it). This effectively will end humans as biologists, chemists and a whole host of other scientific pursuits. These guys are essentially cutting the branch they're sitting on. Whether or not this is a good thing is debatable.
and still no cure for Covid
…until someone loses an eye.
This is going to increase productivity like crazy
Great idea, until the singularity.
Boy programming these seem like a nightmare
People will try to stop progress described here becouse it makes them redundent especially if they dont know how computers work.
Never trust anyone who can't work with a computer to be good at their job. If they give of the apearance of bing good at their job they are deceiving you. they make othersdo all the wwork andjust claim the honer becouse peopletrust thm becouse they have had the job 4 so long.
This is just one giant ad.
Is this an ad?
nice idea!
BAAS: Biology as a service