How to create an exothermic reaction? – Live Experiments (Ep 40) – Head Squeeze
HeadSqueezer Huw James has a go at creating an exothermic reaction?
Endothermic and Exothermic reactions:
Elephant Toothpaste:
The Bloodhound Project:
Elephants actually brush their teeth?
What you need:
1 litre plastic bottle
Washing detergent
Active yeast
Hydrogen peroxide solution
Food colouring
Glass bowl
Rubber gloves
Sit the plastic bottle in the glass bowl
Put on your rubber gloves
Pour some hydrogen peroxide solution to the bottle
Add a little bit of washing detergent
Add some food colouring
Add some yeast
Give the bottle a shake
IMPORTANT: If you are doing this experiment please follow the instructions carefully
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Our resident science demo thrill-seekers will give the YouTube audience their big science treat each week with an experiment where you can find out how to make food dance, power a light bulb with household objects and create mega smoke rings!
thx mate
Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says "I'll have some H2O." The second says "That sounds good. I'll have some H2O too." The second scientist died.
Its like toothpaste coming out of the bottle.
He looks like a woman with a beard lol
i can just burn some paper..
Science is so green!
Thats a nice shade of green right there
i thought i seen it all, but then i saw jesus teaching science …..shit
cut your hair
I fucking hate V-neck shirts…
the way he says tooth paste is hilarious
That was way cool
Try Citric acid + Baking soda
Huw stupid autocorrect
Hue, you have a nice head of hair, but it looks like a women's cut, and are you using hair products? Metrosexuals are just closet gays.
holy crap!!! it's 17 here right now and im wearing a jumper and the heater is on in the middle of winter.
Haha i think anything about 8c is good for us Brit's, anything about 20c/25c is just to much, it gets very humid very quickly and so becomes uncomfortable. Its about 13c here as i write this and its perfect for an out door drink.
light a match to the bubbles!!!
Lol i thought he was just gonna light a match and call it a video
*sigh* they need to get rid of that shaky cam..
Yeast have catalase. 2 H2O2 —(catalase)—–> 2 H2O + o2
you have the beard of a man and the hair of a woman my friend
hi, i am wondering, do you live in England? if so define hot. i am interested because i know someone who lives in England and i asked how the weather was and he said it was quite warm and i asked what the temp was and he said about 10c where i live the only time it gets below 10 is at 3 am in the morning in the middle of winter!!!! and in summer it can get up to 40
Please get a hair cut. You look like the bearded lady
Not down South :)
I'm not an chemist, just a lowly engineer. But what is the yeast doing? Is it a catalyst or is it a reactant? You are not explaining clearly what the active yeast is contributing.
You remind me so much of Sam Rockwell.
Check your northern hemisphere privilege!
Set it on FIRE!!!!
You're Jesus, you don't need any chemicals, or any of that laughable chemistry knowledge.
Do the experiment again with the cap closed!
no tripod comments?
This guy looks like my local crack addict
Would be we able to light that foam on fire ?
A reaction without heat exchange is called adiabatic…
I wonder the same!
Next time try it with 30% Hydrogen Peroxide instead of 3%, Makes much much more toothpaste a lot quicker!
Vinegar and baking soda
I see that lighter over there. Why didn't you do anything with it now I'm pissed