Free Advanced 9th Grade Science and Chemistry Experiments O 9th grade and highschool science experiments. Transform a copper penny into silver, then into a gold penny. Step-by-step instructions. Great for Homeschool
Zinc can be bought online in sulphate form.
Ok, done. Now when do we start cooking Mef?
Shit he Survived HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!(Super Saiyan Mode Activated)
leaf village's hidden jutsu, how dare you!!
A Thousand Years of DEATH!!!
By the fact that i wrote that three years ago, i think that your comment was unnecessary… But hey, who i'm i to tell Kakashi sensei what to do???
I feel like throwing you a dictionary.
Yeah but you still don't get grammar, huh?
so happy
I did that in 4th grade… at home …in my backyard. And still understood the consept.
can u imagine doing this with more pennies?? u could walk to the store and ppl will be amazed!
@brandonbassboi Brandon, why are you looking at science?
chemistry is so hard phisics is so much better
COOOOL im at my school with my teacher and even him is amaced