Fermentation of Yeast & Sugar – The Sci Guys: Science at Home
Welcome to science at home in this experiment we are exploring the fermentation between yeast and sugar. Yeast uses sugar as energy and releases carbon dioxide and ethanol as waste. Yeast and fermentation have been used for thousands of years when making bread. At the end of this episode you will be able to demonstrate fermentation, explain why yeast and fermentation make a balloon grow and explain the chemical reaction that occurs during fermentation.
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Equipment and Ingredients:
Lab Coat or Apron
Previous Episode: Leidenfrost Effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgk4sY9Xn1U&index=3&list=PL7VnnL-CJ-z5fZDvjxy7TATkITyw32erX
Next Episode: Copper Plating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3qhqTVssoo&index=6&list=PL7VnnL-CJ-z5fZDvjxy7TATkITyw32erX
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what happen to balloon if we add more sugar without add more yeasts?
more happier mens
Pretty girl
this video should be called ''how to make a balloon blow up when your to lazy to blow one up ''
How Warm does the water have to be?
How do you measure the carbon dioxide produced?
0:26 she is truly disturbed by that joke
ha pog
Who’s here from Edpuzzle?
But can I drink this
i had to do this on lockdown and i got it wrong so i just copied this video lol
here cause of biology
can you make research from this experiment?
How do you take the balloon off without making a mess or blowing up?
who's here because of school.
Wow so interesting
Formula for sucrose is wrong.
Online class and i see this video
pov your here during covid
Do the bottles have to be the same shape (school says to ask a question)
Pov: you are here from school….
What was the purpose of the warm water?
Anyone here from school
Who's science teacher bought them here? lol.
the farting jokes are so weird
I’m in love with this comments
Hi 8-I
can i know what is the constant variable for this ec]xperiment?