Experiments with hydrochloric acid
Three cool experiments with HCl.
– Iron chloride
– Aluminum chloride
– Copper metal reclamation
Sorry for being so monotone- I was just getting over a cold and was a little tired.
Useful science experiments for kids that they can try at HOME source Related posts: 2 Simple Science Experiments to Do at Home | Easy Science Experiments at Home 4 simple science experiments and magic tricks|easy science experiments|Fwehacker 5 Amazing Science Experiments Compilation you can at home ! | WasabySajado 10 Easy Science Experiments You Can…
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h Music: http://audiomicro.com Interesting chemical experiments: http://www.m.chemicum.com/ Hello everyone. Today we will grow some crystals, again. As in the previous video, I will try to describe the whole process of growing the crystals to you. First, we need to choose the material of which we will grow the crystal. Essentially, practically any…
Chemistry is fun. This saying is so true for these experiments. Here in this video, i m presenting to uu which uu will really enjoy to watch. Subscribe the channel, hit the like button and smash the bell icon to never miss an update from us. And also tell us which of these experiments uu…
You should not play with food, but you must do these mind-blowing experiments with it to discover electricity in lemon, metal in corn flakes and much more #TheDadLab ===================================================== ➜ TheDadLab on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedadlab/ ➜ TheDadLab on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedadlab/ ➜ TheDadLab on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedadlab ➜ TheDadLab on Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/thedadlab/ ➜ Website: https://thedadlab.com/ ===================================================== Please subscribe…
ELABORATE: Students’ understanding of the phenomenon is challenged and deepened through new experiences in related contexts. Real-world applications and new challenges, problems, or tasks solidify and broaden students’ understanding about the implications of what they’ve learned. During this phase, all the lessons learned from the previous activities should be brought together and integrated into a…
You’re as boring as my 7th science teacher
Great Video, i am doing science experiment testing which metals can and cannot be dissolved by hydrochloric acid, any idea's for my control?
Nice video. As of now I don't have any videos up, but click my name some time and I should have a couple up. I am new to chemistry and I just got a nice chem kit from homesciencetools.
Sorry about that. I can't believe i missed that when i was putting that together. This was my first vid, so should i remake it?
That is hydrogen and HCl fumes