CHROMATOGRAPHY Easy Kids Science Experiments
A fun and easy science experiment for kids of all ages!
Tweets by WhizKidScience
Music by Dan-O at (Kira Fled the District)
CHROMATOGRAPHY is the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, in this case as a strip of filter paper (paper chromatography).
Here’s what you’ll need for this experiment:
Coffee filter
popsicle stick
markers, felt tip pens, or food coloring
clear glass or dish
– First cut your coffee filter into strips
– Tape your coffee filter onto a popsicle stick
– Colour a line near the bottom of your filter with marker, ink, or food coloring
– Place enough water in your glass so that just the bottom of the filter will touch the water
– Hang your filter over the water with your popsicle stick
– Watch the colours separate
instead of coffee filter what we can use??
Great job! You should be a science teacher!
i like your this experiment. it very essay do in our home.
yu r so cute…kiddoo
It's Kevin G!!!
i saw people did bout black ink and the chromatogram was brilliant and so i decided do it at home guess whutt it turns BLACK
yayayayaya good
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Where to buy coffee filter?
Can you other things don't use filter paper?
im 10 too and im in the 5th grade too lol it as an Amazing experiment
Just a tip, chromatography works a lot better with rubbing alcohol rather than water. BTW your videos are really are really good, keep it up.
Love it used it for my science project thanks so so so much dude I love ur hair
I have watched almost all of your video, your experiments are amazing
I have watched almost all of your video, your experiments are amazing
was amazing
cool explanation dude!
i like ur hair
Thank you that really helped
Nice video! By the way check out my video here
Could you make another video on this but instead of using color(ing)(s), Use Leaves. Please?
Great job! Â Thanks and I will be showing this to my science classes!
that is such an amazing experiment! I'm in 5th grade and we have to write an essay on paper chromatography, and this experiment is perfect! thanks!
How does that happen!!?
you can use a paper towel here… and try ink(black and colored ones), candy, leaf and even food coloring
Great video!!!!!!!!:)
I'm impressed that in his age he already knows what Chromatography is. I just learned this in the 8th grade
@Jayel Khaliq  I think it's the camera.
That's the reflection from the light on the video camera
3:18 how did that light get there on the filters? something seems fishy around here
Really good
What was the food coloring for then?!,!
For me it did not work you kid
I'm going to use this for my science project! 😀
Thanks dude I
such a smart kid! congrats this is very informative
do you have a website
It only takes a minute or two
how minutes did it take for the colors to rise up?
Ur so cute and I love the music♥♥♥♥
what a cutie 😉 great job!!!
awesome dud you look nervous