Chemical Volcano and Fire Blizzard with Chromium Oxide!
Interesting chemical experiments:
Hello everyone. Today we will conduct a reaction with chromium oxide 3. Chromium oxide will serve us as a catalyst. We will get the chromium oxide out of the reaction of the decomposition of ammonium dichromate.
Do not attempt to repeat following experiment by yourself!
For the reaction, we will take a metal cup and pour there a little, though nevermind, let’s just empty the entire ammonium of dichromate.
Next, we ignite the substance using a burner and then observe the beautiful decay of the substance.
Well, the reaction has been completed now and we’ve got quite a lot of chromium oxide 3 as a result.
The first reaction with it is going to be the catalytic oxidation of ammonia using chromium oxide 3.
We will get ammonia gas from a Wurtz flask. To obtain it, we need a mixture of sodium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate.
Now pour the reagents into the flask. Since ammonia is lighter than air, it is best to collect it from the bottom of the vessel. To start the reaction, we’ll add some water to the mixture.
The reaction has started and now ammonia is entering the glass jar. After the jar is filled with ammonia, we need to heat up the chromium oxide 3.
Light up the burner, get a bit of chromium oxide 3 into a spoon and heat it up.
Now let’s add the retrieved red-hot chromium oxide into our jar.
What did just happen during this reaction, you could wonder. Ammonia in the jar has reacted with oxygen. The catalyst for the reaction was chromium oxide 3.
This reaction produces nitrogen oxide and water.
For the next reaction let’s take a metal cup and pour there a small amount of chromium oxide.
Place a piece of cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol onto the cup . Then, ignite the cotton. Now quickly sprinkle the cotton wool with chromium oxide.
During this reaction, chromium oxide catalyzes the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde.
By the way, the smell of acetaldehyde is very much like a quick-drying super glue. Facebook:
May I have a question?
Where did the chromium go after you put the chromium-oxide in the jar? I mean NH3 removed the O from the Cr2O3. The oxygen then formed NO with the N of the NH3 and water with the hydrogen of the ammónia. What happened to the chromium?
Like pouring volcano at 1:20
I'm know experiment Chemical Volcano
I don't understand but this is awesome.
I tried it freaked me up
Antes veía estos videos para entretenerme sin entender una mierda, but ahora q estoy estudiando quimica inustrial todo tiene sentido :,D
như núi lửa phun trào
This voice of Russian accent XD
Quase 1M de visualizações e somente 9K6 de Likes. Muito triste.
If ninth graders did this same experiment, is it safe?
Великолепный английский )
Nice demo thanks – Please see me use a 25L jar full of ammonia on my channel thanks 🙂
yo does all the water escape as steam coz nothing is wet.
nice reactions. also look at
A reaction
I think i TRIGGERED the oxide!
this channel is arabic ???
Cool vid
Chromium oxide will not ignite
my mom just died can u guys plz sub to me i will really like that
omg so cool look like a small vulcano
You are the coolest Russian by far, now let's see what chromium oxide does when introduced to the inside of a 1976 Volvo with a cow stuffed into the backseat!
Cool vid. Careful don't breath any Cr(III) in.
Would you please add presentations of the elements: ""
Dude why dont you try some organic reactions
R u a Russian?
3rd grader's science project taken to a whole new level.
Dodo I don't care I could not care less
prueven este esperimento kon su berga. funciona, solo que ahora me duele
too good
I hope a lot of school kids watch your channel because if I had these videos when I was in school, I would have become a chemist.
Careful with that brand of hand torch, I had mine blow up in my hand trying to do some dabs
Could you mix the first and last one so that after the volcano explodes it stays glowing?
Rocket Fuel !!
Now I know why did he keep the papers lying
last part was cool AF