Burning magnesium in dry ice
Declan Fleming shows you how to prepare and demonstrate burning magnesium in solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). This dramatic and beautiful demonstration shows that oxygen isn’t always a prerequisite for fire and reveals carbon’s place in the reactivity series.
Read the article that accompanies this video at http://bit.ly/EiC_ec0511
This is part of the Education in Chemistry Exhibition Chemistry series: chemistry demonstrations to capture your students’ imaginations: http://rsc.li/EiCExChem
Browse hundreds more chemistry education videos, experiment handouts, interactives and games at www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry.
So the point of this was…
There's more cold in a block of dry ice than heat in a spoonful of burning magnesium?
Upload date caught me for a sec
You'd think that he'd show or mention the chemical equation for the reaction.
Now throw some water on it..
Didn’t even penetrate it. Horrible experiment
Crazy thing is this is a type of thermite reaction
CO2: You gonna be franked bro.
Mg: Nope.
For some time i thought dry ice will transform into gas
Loki left the tesseract again
“Lost in space” anyone??
Lost in Space anyone?
Is there a reason why you did not explain the reaction, i.e. oxidation, and exactly where the oxygen came from? ARGH!
Is that how Sauron created the one ring?
this is awesome
WRONG AGAIN. It's the oxygen being rippid away to firm magnesium oxide, leaving the carbon behind as a dark soot on it.
You put the lid on backwards
Congrats, you made the tesseract.
Does cold air comes out of the dry ice while it's in the process of burning ?
Cold Fusion! Bahahahahaha
declan is fyneee
HI there …. that may be used as a flash bulb …..
i want to put dry ice in my butt
"shouldn't be transported in a car" tell that to companies like Volkswagen where the engine block is made out of magnesium lol
Does the reaction for magnesium carbide or magnesium carbonate?
Looks pretty
can you not put annotations on the part i'm trying to watch …..
I don't know why but hearing that saw cut thru that ice makes me cringe! I get chills running up and down my spine. I don't like it!
I was actually hoping the dry ice would start burning. I heard that hot Magnesium will form Magnesium oxide by stealing Oxygen from the CO2 bond. So the CO2 would be ignitable in that way.
Does that not happen at all?
Well the magnesium would snatch the oxygen from the CO2, similar to the way the thermite reaction snatches oxygen from iron oxide to give to aluminium.
Now what would happen if you lit magnesium ribbon under sand? Since silicon is an analogue of carbon I'd assume something fairly similar would happen
Basically, the reaction was: Mg(hot)+CO2(frozen) => Mg(hot)+O2+C=>O2Mg+C, right?
where do you get dry ice, where do you get magnesium, where do you get liquid nitrogen? guys if i ask one of these things they would hand me to police for terrorism 🙂
looks more like light kinda cool too
That is danger
That is danger
This video shows the science behind magnesium and carbon dioxide reaction.
Thats a nice lab.
@xisumavoid is that you? Sounds like you
This guy taught me chemistry! LOLHe is really awkward irl 😛
Where is Jessie Pinkman ?
Hey I have dry ice
you have the same name as me
And thats how tesseract are born