BALLOON BLOW UP Easy Kids Science Experiments
A fun and easy science experiment for kids of all ages!
Watch what happens when you mix vinegar with baking soda!
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Track Title “Fun with Friends”
Here’s what you’ll need:
A clear plastic bottle
2 tablespoons of baking soda
A large balloon
Funnel (s)
Fill your bottle halfway with vinegar.
Using a funnel, pour the baking soda into the balloon.
Fit the balloon over the mouth of the bottle and then lift the balloon up so that the baking soda falls into the bottle.
Watch as the balloon fills with the carbon dioxide that is produced when the baking soda reacts with the vinegar.
Good sir it’s nice!
No me sirvio bu bu bu
i watched this video because i have a exploding balloon
i watched this video because i have a exploding balloon
good job in the experament 🙂 i am eight years old
I love you
does it float
very nice
Boy you look like a potato
my teacher used this in science class….,
If I get a good grade on this project I'm going to like this video
that was cool
I thought it will blow like TNT
how big does the bottle have to be
this is helpful dude
great video!
will rice vinegar work
cool! 🙂
Wait I don't remember wrighting that… Strange!
check out my experiment:
how many hours did it take
What size bottle did you use in this video?
This looks FUN!!
This helped me with my homework thank you! By the way great video! 🙂
BALLOON BLOW UP Easy Kids Science Experiments – watch it
How much vinegar do you need
haha the boy's face is looking like he is so scared hahaha but really lie this video thank you
He was scared that the balloon would explode on his hand and his face so funny it look i had already closed my ears but thank God it didn't explode
Nice quality balloon i like the experiment and also the boy is tooo cuteeeeeeeeeee
My balloon expanded 10 times larger than yours and it didn't even pop.
aw he's so cute