Amazing Science Experiments That You Can Do At Home – How To Make Instant Snow Powder
Amazing Science Experiments That You Can Do At Home – How To Make Instant Snow Powder | Welcome To HooplakidzLab where science is fun. Today we are here with some of the coolest science experiments you and your little one can try at home with eggs.
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It acutally works omg
You can use the instant snow powder as a fertilizer for trees and plants.
that easy good want hooplakids
i subed you
watch lots of your vids love it
i tried it. its like crushed orbeez but I love it
i love it…….
that is not snow that is somethung so when a baby pee it dranes it like it does that to water and other stuff like aduuu
You can make stress balls with it
I knew that
ways a napppy lool
Can a be a normal Diaper?
Just awesome I tried it and it worked
it' s working thank you
why the hell do you call a diaper a nappy?
wait…. so…. it will be jelly-ing thing or just like real snow
if you dont have dippers i can show you how to make fake snow watch me on mobina hope
What is a nappy
you can get way more snow if you just get a bowl fill it with water and dunk a open nappy/diaper in and let it swell up lift it out of the water, and let the remaning water drip out. into another bowl rip off the cotton lining and discard. scrape out the fake snow into a dry bowl and do what ever you want with it! except eat it, don't put this stuff in your mouth
everyone shut up
everyone shut up
I liked it
I LOVE IT!!!!!
this guy takes all this stuff from crazy Russian hacker
nappy is dipper?
Thanks for teaching us how to make that it's pretty cool I made it
Nappy? I call it Diaper
you mean dippers there called dippers were I live and I live In USA davison
lol next time we use our snow in a can I'll say its the stuff that obsorbes loquids in diapers
itu jadinya basah atau kering?answer pleace
What's in a nappy?
Poo is in a nappy.
hi everyone
hmm dora diaper.. classy B)
aren't they are called diapers?
What the fuck is a nappy it's called a Motherfucking diaper
nappy is a daipe
Dang he's good
You are a shit!!!
I have done it