A Level Physics – How to prepare for questions on practical experiments
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Could you do a video on exam questions such as how to improve the accuracy of x or how to make it a fair test?
Guess what you are an angel
Thanks 4tht prct
i just want to say that Edexcel is a little b+tch
What about the method?
In OCR are we asked about experiments we haven't done? Since a specimen paper talks about proving Faraday law from frequency and I haven't seen it.
are you going to do a list for the full a level experiments?
what meter is he using ?
Are these only on the required practical questions we have done or is it possible that we need to know some extra stuff? If I go through the required practical list revising like this is that all the possible content covered? In addition to that is there any way we could prepare for these with past papers like doing the old iscer (I think that's they are called?) papers for physics because, as far as I understand, this is the first year this type of paper has been used. Sorry for so many questions.
do you have a list of all the practicals we. need to know
Thanks a lot for this.
Would love to see more videos uploaded that are related to practicals.
Could you produce exemplar sheets for ocra practicals please??
Since there are around 14 pags on the OCR, perhaps you could do a little video on each for section c prep? Thanks 🙂
Woow thank you so much, and i love what you have done to the website
thanks for the tips. 🙂