5 Crazy Fire Science Experiments Russian Hackers…
5 Crazy Fire Science Experiments Russian Hackers…
Subscribe to 5-Minute Crafts here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC295-Dw_tDNtZXFeAPAW6Aw?sub_confirmation=1 Easy Science Experiments You Can Do at Home or at School. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5min.crafts/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/5.min.crafts/ source Related posts: 18 EASY SCHOOL MAGIC TRICKS AND SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS 12 KID FRIENDLY SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS 25 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS TO BLOW YOUR MIND 29 EASY SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS TO DO AT HOME
source Related posts: 10 Amazing Science Experiments! Compilation The Best Chemistry EXPLOSIONS – Reactions Gone Wrong – Joe Genius Protein Chemistry: How Does it Prove That God is an Intelligent Creator? Best Exothermic reaction | hacker ishan | chemistry experiments at home |
✅https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdALOfbgsWRKWuUwp53NYCg?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1 ____________________________________________________________________________ Ingredients: 200g Caster Sugar 5tbsp Golden Syrup 2tsp Bicarbonate of Soda (Optional Chocolate – you’ll need around 200g or so) Chemistry of Caramelisation (Suggested for KS5 upwards!): https://chem-net.blogspot.com/2015/04/food-chemistry-caramelization-sugar15.html #SenseiScience #Martial Arts #Science Welcome to my channel that comprises of Martial arts, Science at home and some tutoring videos too. Thank you for supporting…
KGBsurvivalist – http://www.youtube.com/user/KGBsurivalist instagram – http://instagram.com/crazyrussianhacker Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CrazyRussianHacker twitter – https://twitter.com/CrazyRussianH Chemical demonstration of the excitation of sodium atoms in a dill pickle by connecting it to 120 volts! the pickle is acting as an electrical resistor How to make a pickle glow source Related posts: 100 Science Experiments You Can Do at Home…
Subscribe! http://bit.ly/ACSReactions It’s a spooky question, but it doesn’t have to be: what happens to your body when you die? Even after you depart, there’s a lot of chemistry that still goes on inside you. We teamed up with mortician and author Caitlin Doughty (@thegooddeath) to demystify death and talk about what happens postmortem. Check…
Easy science experiments using balloons inspired by birthdays! We have two birthday’s this month in our house and another coming up soon. So, having a bunch of balloons around the house inspired this month’s Science Saturday. 10 (well actually 11 there is a bonus one at the end!) totally fun science experiments you can do…
Awesome job on your videos! And cool beard; keep it!
hes stealing the the videos form crazy Russian hacker
forget the beard; brush your teeth.
shave the beard please
Keep the beard
like it
So cool
Don't shave it
do not shave you bead pleazzzzzzz
that experiment is a nice and I like it good gob
sisi ma gueule
I like your video man boom boooom yes man
Don't shave the bear
no re the real russian man is "crazy Russian hacker " <<<—- type this on youtube
No you don't have to shave your beard you look nice.
You are the Best!!!!! I work with kids and use your creative, easy, and exciting science experiments all the time. Love your style and accent!
No do not shave your beard
i am fan man like your video
Shave the beard bro! And i love the 9 volt cotton ball steel wool thing thats amazing
Dude that was epic
you are awsome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't shave your beard I love it!!!
Do 1000 experments
I love these videos 🙂
Man can you make a new video I watch all your video already