3 awesome experiments with rubbing alcohol
DIY experiments
The mystery of glow sticks, what makes them glow? Science for elementary allows students to conduct science experiments with cheap materials and learn basic science concepts. In this video, I am conducting an experiment on chemical energy using glow sticks. This experiment can be used with students in grades 3-5. If you like this video,…
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Science may have been an intimidating subject for us in school, and typically we associate science with geniuses who got straight A’s in school. Whether you have kids or you’re just curious about science experiments, you don’t have to go all the way to a university lab to see science at work. You see, science…
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#ScienceExperiments#Ranchoexperiments Fun Science Experiments to do at home. 1. Fire on Ice Calcium Carbide Reacts with water to form Acetylene gas which is highly Flammable 2. Nail Polish and Water Nail Polish contain Solvents which are not soluble in water and are flammable like acetone, Nitrocellulose, alcohol etc, 3. Tension on the surface. Soap and…
Hello Aspirants. This video is about the Basics of Laboratory (Terminology of Laboratory) in this video , we will discuss about the important terms of Biology, which is very important for Laboratory assistant exam. Terminology of Physics – https://youtu.be/UkhyPuKGjOY Terminology of Chemistry – https://youtu.be/DK3N07tNyug -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “How to Cover ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- source Related posts:…
glitch mob is a band
its cool
This is what I am stick to watching for the rest my my life. Science experiments and math. :c
doesnt even know to strike match
These dumb kids
i was looking for something serious, but when i see these kids, i think of my childhood, it was full of experiment, trials, failures, fun, and friendship.
ow fuk sake I have commented a lot of times, sorry people for clogging the comment thing, I promise I won't comment again, well…..
u 2 must be fucking bord
Can't strike a match
I feel those guys are gonna die burnt I wonder why
thats what she said
ihr hurensöhne
0:35 No, you're not CrazyRussianHacker, find a way to say it differently
Sadly, I see crafters on the web using isopropyl alcohol very often without proper ventilation or protective gloves.
Pass This on: Safety First! Protective practices and gear lowers toxin exposure risks.
We are all exposed to a plethora of chemicals routinely, some of the more vulnerable among us will develop disorders due to this.
Rubbing alcohol has been tagged as a pre-carcinogenic product according to a government funded double-blind medical research project completed decades ago. It was not published in medical journals, perhaps because I.A. is a cheap preservative/ stabilizer used extensively in consumer products.
Rubbing alcohol does not kill germs, it does help prevent the growth of germs. It is not ideal for skin use, but is more effective as a hard surface cleaner. Friction with or without a mild liquid dish soap using clean towels and ample rinsing with water are both safe and effective cleaning methods. Never mix bleach with anything and use it sparingly in well ventilated areas. Vinegar has a lot of uses for cleaning and preserving. Baking soda is also useful, but keep it away from your pets and your lungs.
Constance, former RN.
ok after watching it completely i still stand with my original argument but yea there not so smart in some cases.
i don't know i think they are having fun and like creepyblock creepz sead its alot better that there having fun and doing things that interest then instead of yelling at there pc. there were some things that they could have done to be alot more safe around the fire though like a fire extinguisher and maybe some gloves and not poring the rubbing alcohol into with those matches and throwing that one match to were ever but besides that they loved it. P.S "live and learn".
My first thought… Let's read the comments
Why are you guys doing this? Kids should not be playing with fire like that and judging by most of the comments, people are stupid enough to think it is better for kids to play with fire rather than play video games or even better, go outside.
These are the dumbest kids ever. There were like a dozen close calls in this video.
keep having fun and set more stuff on fire
u guys are dangerous
to all haters i wanasay this.
ffs these are kids having some fun, atleast they arent playing pc all day and vaping. when i was 11 i made my first fully working gun and all my parents said was "good job " they were supportive and trust me if you care about safety so mutch then why do you leave your house huh?
"that really hurt my hand"
Good !
12 year olds should not be playing with fire -_-
Dummist kid if ever seen in two years of u tube
Wow!! A real video of real kids doing cool stuff!!! Love it guys!! Keep making videos!!
Next Amish school fire in progress
Most stupid thing i have ever heard! That is dangerous! Your lucky you din't start a fire!!!
Nick, your face soo alike my face xD
They should not be allowed isopropanol, since they probably will get severly hurt if they are not careful
Tyler if thats ur name ur cute and i would do the same thing u guys are doing but i would probably set myself on fire some how