15 FASCINATING Chemistry Experiments

Check out NileRed for Chemistry videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/nilered

Chemistry is the closest thing to magic we’ll probably ever see. Amazing chemical reactions and strange creations, I hope you all enjoy today’s post.

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  1. Uuhhmm is it just me or i am the only one to see that this is 15 and the channel name is top 5s eh? Injust saw this in redit

    Edit: good thing its not just me

    Another edit: almost every video in the channel is top 15

  2. I don't know about the experiment involving the gummy bear being the most violent end it's ever met. I imagine it's pretty terrifying for a gummy bear to come out of my anus, after going through my stomach acid and then my intestines. It seems gummy bears never have a happy ending, poor sods.

  3. First of all great video 😀 but I would love to see the source channels mentioned in the video description bc they had the hard work buying supplies, set up the reactions, cut the original video(s) and upload them… Stay fair guys 😉

  4. Cesium, a product of nuclear fusion. Err nope, not on Earth. As of June 2020 we do not have a commercially viable fusion reactor. It is a product of commercial nuclear fission though

  5. Did you say 'gas vapours' and 'the contents it contains'?! Unfuckingbelievable! What's this channel? Top 5's? Ok,i'll make sure to try and avoid it! I hate idiots that try and act intelligent!Bot or not!

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