15 Completely Hazardous Mercury Experiments (Hg)
15 different oddball, wacky, and seemingly careless mercury experiments that we have done – most are viewer-suggestions!
I plan to start making some new Hg videos in the future. I really hate dealing with the stuff, to be honest, as it requires a lot of safety precautions, special prep and post-clean up stuff.
One should not “play” with mercury as it is a hazardous material. I was trained to deal with mercury spills and probably am more qualified than anyone you know.
The frozen gummy bear is like the t-1000 from the terminator when arnold broke him
Mercury isn't that hazardous. You can handle mercury with your bare hands.
9529439023 mere pass rate maar kar ja cal
Kisi ko chahiye markari than contact me
5:12 cool
I have around 20 pounds of Mercury, it was for a mercury barometer.
Fun stuff!
I personally would not have risked heating up the mercury. (it can make fumes) But besides that great video 🙂
Hats off to this guy he made a liquid metal into solid for some time hats off
Hey it's great content please where can I get it
that's some completely stupid "experiments"
can we touch mercury
Can we drink it?
Where can I buy mercury in what internet platform for my experiments.
Isn't mercury fumes toxic? Also, wt if, put some mercury in vacuum chamber.
Where can I find some mercury?
It is awesome!!!!!
Is it possible to get some from compact fluorescence?
When I was a kid in the 50's we used to play with mercury all the time, it was easy to get from broken mercury thermometers, common at the time. At one point probably about 1960 I had a 14k gold ring and not knowing any better handled mercury wearing that ring, the mercury plated that ring! I took it to a jeweler who used a torch and burned it off, mercury vapor in the air, what could that hurt? I guess a lot of us Baby Boomers were lucky to grow up considering some of the things we did!
All stupid tests
Where to find it to buy?
where do u get mercury
You really need a better camera
I hope you are aware that any bottle or thing that has come into contact with mercury is now contaminated and therefore hazardous waste
apart from the toxic mercury vapors, these are heavy metal vapors, that is totally pointless and everyone who thinks it's great is not quite right in the head
what would happen if you used mercury in a hydraulic cylinder instead of oil?
How you not dead lol
Shoutout? Please
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