10 Amazing Science Experiments you can do at home #10
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Warm air rise cold air sinks
cold is heavier than hot, cold falls and hot rises
Who is watching in 2017
cold water has more density and hot water has less density.
When you put the red on the bottom and blue on top they mixed pecause hot water rises and cold water sinks and the other becase hot water rises that why it styed on toop
heat rises
it's because heat rises when cold is put on top the hot water travels to the top and mixes the dyes. when hot is already on top it just stays there.
cold water is more dense than hot water
0:50 Really why didn't you cut that out
Your precious "science" wont lead you to absolute truth, and it certainly won't save you from hell. Repent !
Because cold stuff sinks and hot stuff rises
The last one is because of science I learned it school
on the last one the reason it stays is because heat rises causing the hot water to stay on top
because hot water is lighter than cold water
They don't mix because it is the same thing as cold air sinks and hot air rises. So cold water sinks and hot water rises that is why they don't mix.
The saltwater is more dense so the egg floats then the freshwater is less dense than the egg and the saltwater.
davai davai!
its very smooch
they have different dencitys
put some quaters on top of a Halloween
It's cause hot water is lighter than cold water
He'll ray bans for safety glasses
hi everybody
He rises
you suk
When I started watching it I realize that had a $10 bill in my pocket and I did it it's pretty cool I was laughing
The other one doesn't mix due to convection
cause the cold water sinks when it's on top so they mix but when the cold water is on the bottom already it has no where to go
Thank you for explaining these tricks, I was able to use some for a science corner at summer youth club for teenagers and they like these tricks.
i laughed when he said it drowned but every one makes.mistakes
it floats because the salt thickens the water so its easier to float In