10 Amazing Science Experiments and life hacks you can do at home.

In this video I prepared for you 10 really super cool science experiments from which some od them are really new and you will see them first time in your live! There rae water experiments, eggs experiments a cool liquids experiments as well. Enjoy the video.
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  1. Can you give exact magnet sizes you used for your magnet fan light bulb? Here in the U.S. I think I will have to use led lights to make this work but having problem with magnets spinning.

  2. first paragraph correction: *is it possible to fill up a bottle upside down with water in only 1-2 seconds? or another variant is "under 3 seconds?"
    another correction: *you can use any type of bottle, and also you can fill it up slowly
    another one: *how to move a straw WITH YOUR HANDS (extremely important.. because you could also blow it with your mouth) without touching it with your hands
    *egg bouncing in slow motion…
    "just beaututiful"–*just beautiful 

    PS: I'm not trying to hate on your video.. obviously i'm subscribed because i like your content… just trying to help improve it a little bit

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