10 Amazing Paper Tricks!
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Download links for the music in the video:
Song #1 – Soul Switch –
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/soul-switch-single/id426471027
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Switch/dp/B005HMR1LM
Song #2 – Monolith –
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/monolith/id596457486?i=596457866
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Monolith-brusspup/dp/B00B60NFAU
10 Amazing Paper Tricks! Here are some fun tricks you can try just about anywhere.
I’ve included the list of tricks and some of them include download links to templates.
#1 Impossible paper
Template: http://imgur.com/RVofGgw
An oldie but a goodie. Trick you friends with this super simple but cool trick.
#2 Perpetual Spinner
Template: http://imgur.com/FMnJ1v0
This one takes advantage of rising heat to spin the paper. Be careful when doing this experiment. The paper could catch fire.
#3 Walk Thru Paper
Template: http://imgur.com/9ODGLfR
Another oldie but a goodie. The tighter you make the lines, the bigger the hole it will create.
#4 Annoying Noise Maker
This one is super easy and really annoying
#5 Ruler Breaker
Using nothing but a piece of paper to “hold” down the ruler, you can break it.
#6 Möbius strip
If you take a strip of paper, twist it half way and tape the ends, then cut down the middle, the 2 pieces of paper will join and make 1 large loop
If you take the ends and twist them a full time and tape them together then cut down the middle, it will create 2 linked loops.
#7 Impossible Fold
This trick has some controversy. Some say you can’t fold more than 7 times, more than 8, or more. It also depends on the thickness of the paper and the make up of the paper. Generally though, it’s extremely difficult, if not impossible to fold ordinary sheets of paper more than 8 times.
#8 Blooming Flower
Template: http://imgur.com/638zNAp
This one is very impressive. Be sure to use just a little layer of water. You can make different sizes and shapes of flowers. Some times they will bloom fast and other times slow.
#9 Paper Popper
This one is super fun, because you can create it almost anywhere. It takes a little practice. You want to make sure to seal off all of the holes in your hand and when you “clap” your hands together you’re trying to create a nice air pocket that forces the paper out. If you get really good, you can create extremely loud pops.
#10 Super Paper Strength
Template: http://imgur.com/WQbwbyI
The “tighter” you can make these the stronger it will be. Obviously you could cut thinner strips and have 10, 15, separate cylinders but to me, the taller and fewer the cylinders the more impressive it looks. I calculated that with the 6 cylinders I had, it could hold at least 150 pounds. Be careful when trying this trick.
So cool subscribe me on the savage max picture of a wolf or jo chadwick
I coukd fold paper 10 times in only 8
The best paper trick is when you get gullible humans to think of it as actual money.
what's a talent
Its not impossible to fold a paper 8 times after this vidio I folded a paper 8 times
by god this is a magic woman.
dat is meisje Djamile ze is nederlands
like als je haaf kent
paper poppper XD
spin for the win
acoutaly its possible to fold it more than 8 times mythbusters did it, but they used a paper as big as a fotball field
wwooww, sooo nice tricks !!!! and you are soooo cute and sweet too!!!! :DD
that is cool
Love that song!
The myth busters buster the impossible fold. But they had to use a paper the size of an aircraft hanger
it is a liking video
Hi I am from India
Well this Guy thinks its a good idea to make vids with a dutch girl
I know her look this Channel up meisje djamila
lol @ morpheus strip! it's actually called a mobius loop…
is it just me or is that Rob Duggan playing?? sounds like Clubbed to death…
Hello.Someone seems to have uploaded your video to YouTube without permission from you.And I think he's got a lot of views on YouTube using your video clip and getting cash.Check it out.
Mythbusters disproved the myth of not being able to fold a sheet of paper more then 7 times. They took a large piece of paper and folded it well over 7 times, though I don't recall how many times they were able to fold it. Other then that, great video!
super paper tricks
You didn't show how to make one of those things then open one way and the other.
She freaking copied everything from a youtuber
Come check out my paper cat video!
Just realize this is an old video. Anyone still watching this in 2017?
noise maker is really good
and annoying
Really? Morpheus?
this was great 🙂
my sis tought me that when i was 4 i made a wallet out of it to
#6 i thought it's called moebius strip?
1:12 would smash <3
5:15 [WARNING, ONE LINER INBOUND] Heh…it look like it's true, paper DOES beat rock.
I can't believe a of it work
rak mutu
Number seven is false. As it is true with a regularly sized piece of paper, if you have a large enough piece of paper it is possible to fold a paper I. Half more than 8 times. The mythbusters did this a few years ago.
you can fold paper more than 7 times
I know the flower trick
I remember watching all these paper tricks on Mr. Wizard tv show on Nickelodeon
the first one only smart people get it I tried it on my mom sighs no reaction.
This i all from a Dutch youtuber: meisjedjamila