Soda and Mentos Experiment

School extra credit project
Copyright infringement in case: I do not own any of the soda companies mentioned in this video or Mentos. Obviously. I think that’s it. Where I got the microscope picture and research:
Look, this is just meant to be a high school extra credit project, nothing more. So I was a bit more lenient with experimental error. That being said, the main point still gets across, so it really doesn’t matter that “the bottles are different sizes” or I “uncapped the bottles too soon” or “accidentally put in 4 mentos instead of 5.” Woah, I know I’m such a disgrace to science. That being said, just chill out. I am not the first nor the last person to try this experiment, and my results were congruent with the majority of trials, so any experimental error is irrelevant. Thank you for watching and commenting 🙂 Honestly, the only reason I even put this on youtube in the first place was because I couldn’t get it onto a disk…


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