Experiments with Mercury
A bottle of mercury. Demonstrations of the properties of mercury. How to make lead float. Sorry about the example of bad safety precautions.
In today’s video we have performed fun science experiments. We enjoyed a lot while making this video we hope you guys will also like this video. Pictures Credit – Freepik.com Background Music by – You Tube Library #ParisLifestyle #KidsVideo #FunnyVideo source Related posts: Pari's Fun Magical Science Experiments | Simple Science Experiments My First Chemistry…
#Tinker with everything! Listed in order of appearance, here’s how to do each experiment and the science behind each one. Dry Ice Bubble: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-dry-ice-bubble-experiment/ Non-Newtonian Liquid: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-non-newtonian-fluid-experiment/ Water Density: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-water-density-experiment/ Instant Ice: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-instant-ice-experiment/ Rocking Candle: http://blog.stemscouts.org/rocking-candle-experiment/ Leak-Proof Bag: http://blog.stemscouts.org/leak-proof-bag/ Color Changing Milk: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-milk/ Homemade Lava Lamp: http://blog.stemscouts.org/tinker-funky-homemade-lava-lamp-experiment/ source Related posts: 10 Amazing Science Experiments! Compilation…
Learn how to set up and conduct the grignard reaction experiment. source Related posts: STEM Chemistry Experiments – Tin Hedgehog – MEL Chemistry Kit Subscription for Kids Sciencewiz Chemistry Experiments Kit And Book 35 Experiments, Chemistry Chemical and Physical Changes How To Make Glow in the Dark Powder
In which Destin uses an AK-47 to teach you the Physics of cavitation. Tweet this: http://bit.ly/AK47inPool Post to Facebook: http://bit.ly/AK47Pool Tweets by smartereveryday See TheSlowMoGuys video here: http://youtu.be/OubvTOHWTms I’ve been subscribed to them for ages. I recommend you do the same! http://www.youtube.com/theslowmoguys Song “Baiji” by A Shell in the Pit – Download here: http://ashellinthepit.bandcamp.com/track/baiji Slow…
Top 10 Science Experiments you can do at home for kids with Ryan ToysReview! Ryan learns Diet Coke and Mentos, Smoke Ring, Wingbag balloons blow up, learn electricity, create helicopter balloons, Blowing up balloons with Baking Soda and Vinegar, Elephant Toothpaste, Boo Bubbles with Dry Ice, Oozing Pumpkin, Marshmallow in a vacuum, and Cornstarch and…
The intriguing story and mystery behind Starlite and it’s creator, Maurice Ward. Sorry this took a while, I took time making sure it was my best yet. Maurice Interview:- http://www.stevenrinehart.com/uploads/MauriceWard-Starlite.mp3 Starlite YouTube channel:- https://www.youtube.com/user/mauricewardstarlite SOURCES: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21428641.700-the-power-of-cool-whatever-became-of-starlite/ http://isciencemag.co.uk/features/the-secret-life-of-starlite/ https://www.gov.uk/aaib-reports/8-1988-boeing-737-236-g-bgjl-22-august-1985 http://www.theverge.com/2012/5/17/3026074/starlite-maurice-ward-plastic-fireproof http://mauricewardstarlite.blogspot.co.uk/2009/03/hello-one-and-all.html http://www.stevenrinehart.com/uploads/MauriceWard-Starlite.mp3 MUSIC: “Mesmerize” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/…
I never got this teacher.
No gloves?¿★If this accidentally get in your tissue,you will have a bad day★
drinK your bottle of Mercury out !!!! AND THAN I give you like !
Liquid metallic mercury is poorly absorbed by ingestion and skin contact. It is only hazardous due to its potential to release mercury vapor.
please wear gloves!
wtf, you think it's safe to touch led, but not mercury x face palm x but hey good videos!
brace yourselves….mercury and no gloves.
Dear lord man, use protective clothing!
Jeez, you got a brain for a reason. The human race would appreciate if you use it.
Murcury is seriously toxic why dont u wear gloves
you should lay some plastic cover under it, just in case it spills, cause it would be night ware to clean up mercury beads from the carpet
where can you get it?
can we convert hg to au use radio active reaction . h2so4 ect ….
How come lead is floating? lead is 82 while mercury is 80, was this heavy isotope of mercury or lite isotope of lead? or is it because of surface tension?
What is the safest way to dispose of mercury?
@mkgecko the compounds are much more toxic than elemental mercury but that doesnt mean elemental mercury isnt very toxic. Im a chemist and we have done numerous LD 50 tests and mercury is lethally toxic to a part per billion level.
He is really good teacher~
My face when this is my physics teacher.
Mr.HarOOO: What?! Did I touch that?! LOL
@sgteltorcho Of course it is, but our country is like this, it is very common here.
@rhinogek I know this is an old comment, but that's not true. :/ I hate it when people like you stereotype the US. I'm not American or anything, but what you're saying is a dead opinion. Not a fact…
how did you come to obtain the mercury? Are you a professor?
Mercury is problematic. Even when you poor it, you get tiny drops all over the beaker and outside. It took me a long time to collect all the tiny drops. I did it outside just for the reason you get droplets.
@RSClassicAngel No one is forcing you to watch this. I made it for educational purposes. You could also learn some manners (and maybe humour).
Surely, elemental Hg should always be handled wearing gloves. Anything else is complete and utter stupidity. I you have a sratch on your finger whilst handling it, it might get into the bloodstream.
Don't be a fool and run a risk that high, when the precations needed are so minute and easy to overcome:)
Lol so much hype about handling elemental mercury, its the salts that are really dangerous.
@mkgecko Yep, the average north american is pretty dumb. I'm up here researching and learning while others downstairs are watching garbage TV
Alright… Time for the taste test…
Man, I could not agree with you more. Reading youtube comments actually scares me. Do they actually reflect the intelligence of the average native english speaker? Or, is it that only the stupid people dare comment while the more intelligent refrain? If I had kids I would be scared. I can imagine that soon most people will be, if not already so, incapable of reading classic literature.