Acid-Base Experiments with Mentos Candies
A mysterious chemistry experiment using Mentos Candies. Can you explain what is going on? The solution will be published soon!
5 Amazing Science Experiments and Tricks Using Liquid! Pepper Trick, Atmospheric Pressure, Fireproof Balloon, Water and Wine, Steam-Powered Vacuum. Subscribe Today! ► Follow me on Twitter ► Like me on Facebook ► Share this video: Post to Facebook: Post to Twitter: Post to Google: Music: Free Production Music by…
Do you know the difference between an exothermic and an endothermic reaction? Find out with these fun, fizzy experiments. To recreate the exothermic reaction, you will need hydrogen peroxide (you can get this at beauty supply shops), dish soap, yeast and food colouring. Mix a 1 table spoon of dish soap, half a cup of… Quick Solve hindi source Related posts: Plastic worms chemical experiments at home Education video for kids and family Funny Video surprise Professor Robert Winston Implodes a 55-Gallon Drum Diet Coke and Mentos Human Experiment **DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME** | Furious Pete Eternal K-Hole of the Spotless Mind
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Subscribe now for more! She’s our go-to scientist who has made it rain in the studio and even helped Phillip and Holly walk on water. Zoe Laughlin will be wowing us once again with some nifty science experiments that kids everywhere will want to attempt at home – from bouncing bubbles to making a…
this was not very interesting
what's the reasoning behind this? is it because its a different brand of candy?