5 Experiments with Bleach (NaClO)
Hello everyone and welcome back to chemIst by deStinY! Today we are going to show you some experiments that you can do with bleach.
The experiments are ordered from the less dangerous to the most, so we advise to not try the llast ones. You must be prepared and have the correct knowledge in order to perform them.
We are mixing Bleach with five other substances. Bleach + Cola (full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MI-nzfFm6w), Bleach + Hydrogen Peroxide, Disproportion of Bleach (full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kub9PsaLvw), Bleach + Hydrochloric Acid and Bleach + Sulfuric Acid.
The last two experiments are very dangerous and we do not advise you to repeat them. In them Chlorine gas is produces and it is very toxic for our body.
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